Monday, October 8, 2012

Religion and Homophobia

Recently in class we have been discussing religion and sexuality.  We watched a movie entitled For the Bible Tells Me So. I must say this movie was something. Its main focus was how the church (religion) felt about homosexuality. I must say I somewhat understood how some people that are so deep in religion felt about homosexuality but watching this movie showed me that its ten times worse than I thought.
When you think of the church and homosexuality your first instinct is that it’s the most talked about “sin” there is. From watching the movie in class you could easily see that there is some truth to this. Some Christians go by the bible verse Leviticus 18:22 that basically states that homosexuality is an abomination. So many people take this scripture out of context and throw their own beliefs in with it, which is wrong.
From people being raised with this belief so strong that homosexuality the biggest wrong of all wrongs they tend to throw hatred at those who consider themselves homosexuals. Some go as far as beating and killing those who classify themselves as homosexuals. Which if you go to the bible is wrong. God is the one in control of life and death so why not concentrate on those who are killing homosexuals more than homosexuals in general. In the movie For the Bible Tells Me So a man made a comment saying they are helping God by getting rid of homosexuals. My question is since when did God need help handling his business. When it comes to religion and homosexuality it is a very touch subject that causes many arguments and disagreements.
When it comes to my community and the church that I attend, the subject of homosexuality is brought up in some discussions we have in my youth group.  All of us respect the fact that if someone is homosexual who are we to judge their life and make comments about it when we have our own issues. My church does not agree with it  but they are still accepting of that fact that we are all children of God and therefore we must continue to love and support each other. 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I completely understand your church family not totally excepting homosexuality, yet they except you as a God's child but doesn't that seem kinda weird? Personally, I have a lot of friends that are having trouble getting excepted by their churches and it really makes me sad that the church can except the fact that they are believers of God but they can't except them as people, as homosexual people. It bothers me and it makes me think people of the church are being hypocrites in a sense because of this. I personally don't agree with it but I guess you can't change the opinions of those who are judging you in the first place right? Ha However, being a firm believer of God is good for those who want to live that lifestyle but doesn't kinda leave you feeling empty inside knowing that one isn't fully excepted as a person? I like your viewpoints and agree with you completely. We should all be able to live freely and except those who except us!
