Monday, October 29, 2012

Lets Talk About Sex Baby!!

In my Women Studies class we have talked about so many different topics that could make someone uneasy but I think now we have reached that topic that everyone tries to avoid. Sex. Yes, we are now talking about sex and women’s sexuality, which I must say is very interesting. Of course it’s a tad bit different to me because I’m a male but I still take in all the information that we are discussing.

Recently we had a discussion about sex and having any knowledge about it. Whether it was from watching it on a movie or someone giving you the talk. Some parents make a priority to give their children the sex talk and some try their damn hardest to avoid the topic. I can say my parents were those parents. I have two older sisters and friends gave them the talk and they passed down the knowledge of sex to me until my cousin (who is a guy) stepped in and gave me a man’s perspective of sex. From hearing what my cousin had to say it made me think that a man can have sex when he wants and with whomever he wants, but my sisters showed me that I had to show some respect to a woman and not just think she was a sexual object. I had to actually show her I care for her and not just with her to have sex with her.

Even though my sisters and cousin had a conversation with me about sex I didn’t really start take in the information until I reached middle school. I had a couple girls that were in my class and also around the school that were pregnant. So I would ask how the girl got pregnant and people would look at just laugh at me and later say, “Because she had sex duh!” That’s when friends started to give me information about sex and how it works and what it means.

When I made it to high school sex was the “IT” thing to do. In my mind I also thought that you had to reach a certain age to have sex but I was clearly proved wrong when I was having a conversation with some of my friends. The talk of virginity came up and everybody was telling the age they lost their virginity I was just sitting there like “WOW” When they asked me I told them I still had mine and If looks could’ve killed I would’ve been dead. Throughout my years of high school I held on to my virginity as long as I could but going into my freshman year of college I felt it was only right for me to lose it, and I did. I never gave in to peer pressure or cared about what anybody had to say about me I did on my own on my own time. 


  1. I can totally relate to this blog. I was the last of my friends to lose my virginity in high schools and they would act like I was committing a crime. I was a senior and sometimes I feel like my friends pressured me more than the guy I had sex with. I wish I had your will power because I feel like I did give in to peer pressure.

  2. From reading Anthony Henderson’s AKA (Juney’s thoughts) “Let’s talk about sex baby!!”, I was very impressed that you did not give into peer pressure and decided that you should wait. Some guys and girls our age think that they would be considered cool and think they will be accepted by their peers without thinking about the consequences individually that could affect their lives. It’s very interesting that you not only had the influence of your male counterparts, but how your female cousins wanted to talk to you about sex. It shows to me that you were impacted which makes you more careful around females. It also shows that you would not be the type of person to pressure a girl to have sex just because you had the cravings and desires, but that you wanted to cherish the moment. As a woman, I was taught that sex is something that should be cherished between a man and a woman and preferably a husband and a wife and it’s not something that should be just thrown out there casually.

  3. Knowing you and reading this blog post only reassures me of what I already believed about you, that you are a man of integrity. That is a great quality to possess. I, myself may not have waited as long but I do know what you mean about peer pressure. I was not necessarily influenced by my peers but my boyfriend at the time was older and that played a major role in my sex life during high school. Glad you did not fold under pressure. I feel that when it comes to the YOUR ultimate prize it should always be someone special.
