Monday, September 10, 2012

Are You a Feminist?!

            So it’s the fall semester of my senior year and I chose to take a course entitled Women’s Studies. First thing that came to my mind was that this was a class that focused on the function of women and how they operate, and also because I didn’t want to take another English class.
            Going into my first day of class I expected this class to be about the study of women, of course, meaning studying how women operate why they do some of the things they do and just an all around overview of how women think.  Now, on the first day of this class we talked about the main topic or question of “What is a feminist?” When the instructor asked that question my first answer or image that came to me was a woman who hated men and was all about woman empowerment. Also I thought of a woman who didn’t take care of herself or care about her appearance. She would not shave or her hair was never done or she was always loud and disruptive. Then I sat back and thought to myself “Wait. Am I feminist? NO! Can’t be! Only women can be feminist”
            So the instructor went on to give a basic definition of what a feminist was, and it hit me. “Wait. I agree with all those things so does that make me a feminist.” As she went on to give a more in depth definition, she explained that men could also be feminist. Its just when a man hears the word “Feminist” the immediately think of a woman because of the first three letters in the word, I know I did.
            According to the definition of a feminist is advocating social, political, legal, and economic rights for women equal to those of men. After reading that definition I could say that I would consider myself a feminist, I believe that women should have all equal rights just as men do. 

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