Monday, December 3, 2012

Reviews of other blogs and final thoughts

For this blog I will be reading some of my fellow classmates blogs and commenting on them and giving my final thoughts on the class.

Tiara i agree wholeheartedly with you response on this blog topic. I use to have the same mindset that abortions were just wrong no matter the situation. Until i got more educated and looked into why some women get them. Yes, pressure is put on women because according to society having children is their ultimate mission. No, this is not correct with today's time. Some women want that career and not have to worry about having to take care of someone. Is this selfish? yes! but i mean who isn't selfish! Hell i am! Even though i agree that women have the right to do what they please i still don't agree with the notion of women getting abortions just to get them. Some women know they have access to them so they continue to do things that get them pregnant and just think oh well i can get an abortion. Thats when the issue arises.

Latoya i LOVED how you used gospel music as a positive influence when it comes to women. Yes there is not superior in that men and women are coming together to serve one God. Yes i agree hip hop music is having a negative influence by promoting that women are sexual objects and they have to answer to men! We have to raise and teach the generation after us that this is correct or equal!

Final thoughts-

I can honestly say taking Women Studies has changed my viewpoint on something’s and made me look at things a more critical way. From some of the articles we have read and movies we have watched, they made me come to the realization that even though I’m all for equal rights I still showed signs of oppression. Also it brought to my attention that I should speak up and not just sit back and let things happen. Also this class helped me to be more respectful of people’s own personal views. Just because someone doesn’t agree with me doesn’t mean they are wrong, people are raised differently and have different views and as normal human beings we should respect that. The main thing that really stood out to me was the talks we had about Jesus being a feminist and how fairytales show signs of gender roles. Society is the most influential aspect of life today and if you go against society then something is wrong with you and you have to be “dealt” with, and when you are being “dealt” with this is when violence comes into play. I can really say from taking this class it has helped open my eyes to a lot of things today. I have had conversations with many friends and questioned some of the things they have said or do that shows oppression. I bring it to their attention and let them know that if though they don’t know they are doing it they are, and it needs to stop. When I had a conversation with my mom about what she would do if my Dad decided he wanted to be a stay at home dad her response was that she would love it! It’s his life and she supports him no matter what he chooses to do. I plan on raising my kids with this mindset. That they can do what they please to do, if it makes them happy who am I to rob them of that happiness.  I will raise them to show equality, not just for gender but sexual orientation as well. I advise people to take the class; it really opens your eyes and makes you rethink the way you have been acting so far. 

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